Have you been working to "win" an award that doesn't exist?

there is no prize for
"Best at doing entrepreneurship alone"

It actually makes you stronger.

asking for help doesn't make you weak.

But running a business?
 Turns out that's harder than
social media makes it look.


Let's get you the entrepreneurial
support you deserve.

You and your business are worth investing in


I see you.

You've got impact that you want to make on the world. 

Do you find yourself thinking:

Instagram shows us one version of entrepreneurship.

Webster's Dictionary tells us what entrepreneurship is "supposed" to be.

But, at the end of the day, it's what you make it.  What you CHOOSE to make it.

"this isn't what i
signed up for."


You do NOT have to exist alone on an island with only decisions, bills and responsibilities to keep you company.

define success for yourself

Forget what everyone else is expecting.

Let's look at YOUR aspirations and boundaries.  I truly believe that implementing a personalized model of success for yourself as an individual, your business and your unique family/community is a game-changer.

get sh*t done (for real)

Do your days feel like groundhog day?  Add things to the to-do list, stare at the to-do list, add more things to the to-do list (just so you can rewrite it), rinse and repeat?

I'm an advocate for just doing the thing (GSD baby!). And I'm here to show you WHY you should be the boss of your to-do list with some hacks for HOW to make it easier.

have a plan & work the plan

Instead of the next "right" step, you should be looking for the next "best" step.

Let's work together to develop the big picture, then break it down into manageable steps to accomplish the goals.

Trust me when I say, whatever there is to do is probably easier than your anxiety makes it feel.

what if you could...

"Erika's calm helped to manage my overwhelm. Her expertise and ability to help me move from paralyzed anxiety to a great to-do list that's actionable."

diana f.
the finer points co


"Erika is the best strategic cheerleader!! She will help you see your business clearly, and set the right goals. I loved how she guided the call, focused on next steps, and made it all seem so doable."

Elisa T.
sherwood media


"I finally feel like I know who/what my company is. With this new company vision I can sell my services so much easier and do things I enjoy."

holly C.
carpenter hospitality Co.


"As an entrepreneur herself, Erika understands all the moving parts. Her authenticity is incredible and her ability to take the big overwhelming parts of running my business and breaking it down into manageable pieces has brought the joy back into owning my business!"

hanna r.
simply sunshine co


I am a perpetual encourager of women and the moves they want to make.

Truth Telling. Accountability.  Support. Reality. 
Leading with Care.

These guide my
strategic approach, coaching methodology, community building and tactical insights.

I believe in you. 
And want to help you succeed on your terms.

I bring a lot to the party (sometimes including the party!) - an ability to see the big picture and break it down into less terrifying next best steps, the experience to relate and understand that it's never just about the business, a real talent for getting sh*t done, and a kind-hearted tough love with straight up pushes  when necessary.

Let's build you a life raft right off that island of isolation you find yourself on.



I thought entrepreneurship was the answer.  It wasn't.

I spent decades in the workforce, doing what I had been taught to do.  Work hard.  Do good work.  Make money.  Work harder.  Do better work.  Make more money.  IT WAS A NEVER ENDING CYCLE.

I missed first steps and weddings and funerals.  My life supported my work - because that's how it was "supposed to be."  Turns out it was all a big lie - and I was responsible for believing it

I could blame those who perpetuated the lie, those who had come before me, the patriarchy - so many were to blame for the construct I and so many others found ourselves in.

But at the end of the day, it was my choice.  I was responsible for putting my work first, and EVERYTHING else second.

It was really freaking amazing. 
Until it wasn't.

I was constantly working
to prove myself -
but the race.never.ended.

Because "success" was based on society's definition - bigger, better and more.
And that didn't align with the hopes, dreams or purpose of myself OR my family.

So I quit.

i spent too many years chasing success.

hi, i'm erika

I am a perpetual encourager of women and the moves they want to make.

Truth Telling. Accountability.  Support. Reality. 
Leading with Care.

These guide my
strategic approach, coaching methodology, community building and tactical insights.

I believe in you. 
And want to help you succeed on your terms.

I bring a lot to the party (sometimes including the party!) - an ability to see the big picture and break it down into less terrifying next best steps, the experience to relate and understand that it's never just about the business, a real talent for getting sh*t done, and a kind-hearted tough love with straight up pushes  when necessary.

Let's build you a life raft right off that island of isolation you find yourself on.