Hi, I'm Erika

I used to be a meeting planner

These days, I'd rather tell you I'm a mom, wife, sister, daughter, friend -

and also an entrepreneur.

It took me YEARS to stop introducing myself with my job title - and what better space than my website to practice telling you WHO I am first, instead of WHAT I do?

My purpose is in supporting other women with theirs - in a way that is healthy and sustainable for their business, themselves and their families and communities. 

I firmly believe that it’s never too late to discover your purpose, that women can do anything at all, and that the power of community can create magic.  

A meeting and event planner of 20+ years, I initially jumped into entrepreneurship in an attempt to gather agency over my own life and schedule. This was great while it lasted, but as my company became more “successful”, I realized that “being your own boss” does not negate societal pressures and norms women in the workforce are historically bound by.

Plus, when accolades and income are the metrics by which most companies are judged, exhaustion and burnout are a natural byproduct.

But that’s getting ahead of the story…

In 2019, I attended a magical keynote in Toronto, Canada. I walked into the room a business owner, and left as an entrepreneur with purpose. Words spoken from the stage changed my ENTIRE outlook. Instead of searching for “one great thing” I could do to change the world (and frankly, starting to get scared I wasn’t going to meet that expectation) I realized that I could be supporting other women in doing THEIR great things!

So, I founded Aught, a company on a mission to change lives and local communities through female entrepreneurship. Initially a coworking space known as Girl Boss Offices, I was now simultaneously founding and growing a company built on a foundation of purpose, while suffering entrepreneurial overload with my profession-based business. Despite growing Biddix Meetings and Events to a seven-figure agency with Fortune 500 clients and national recognition, that particular entrepreneurial journey ended with a spectacular case of overwhelm and burnout for everyone involved - including myself, my business and my family..  

Good news though - it informed the development of the Aught Model of Success, a transformative framework that empowers female entrepreneurs to redefine success. It challenges the traditional notion of work-life balance by prioritizing individual fulfillment, business objectives, and familial/community dynamics. I am also a co-founder of the Permission Slip Conference and the soon-to-be-launched Women’s Business Collective of East Tennessee.

I live in Knoxville, Tennessee with my three overly confident children, professor husband and muppet-looking pups. If I'm awake, I'm likely aggressively helping someone pursue their dreams.

My story is informed by community at its best, filled with women who showed me the power of collaboration over competition and mutual mentorship. I'm committed to sharing this message with future generations - that all women deserve seats at all the tables (and the opportunity to build them if that’s their thing!)


Hanna R.
Simply Sunshine Co.

"Erika understands the connection between our businesses and all the other parts of our lives and has helped me in finding those healthy balances. I highly recommend coaching with Erika, 10 stars!!!"